Bonsoir à tous,
Trouvée en vide-grenier il y a 1-2 semaines:
Auriez-vous des infos concernant l'utilisation de cette caisse?
Il me semble qu'elle servait à contenir des fusées pour 20mmx139..
J'ai trouvé ça:
Type 5:
20x139 High explosive incendiary - tracer (HEI-T) DM51A1, fuzed with the impactfuze DM131A1.
The projectile has a mild steel body DM 1027and a hole drilled in the base that houses a tracer. The Incendiary-explosive charge of mixture 891 has been pressed in the body.
Functioning of the fuze:
After firing, the sprial wound metal tape unwinds, enabeling the firing pin to reach the detonator on impact. A mechanical self destruct mechanism disc is placed above this spring, destroying the projectile if no target is hit after appr. 7-11 sec. of flight.
Weight complete cartridge: 0,317 kg.
Weight of projectile: 0,122 kg.
V0.: 1045 mtrs/sec.
Length of complete cartridge: 212 mm.
The cartridge has been manufactured in Germany.
Voilà voilà
merci à tous!